Last Saturday (23rd June 2018) I took the hour drive from Wiltshire down to Poole High School for the first ever @TMSouthHistory teach meet, masterminded by @Jmosley_history . I was really excited to be able to attend a teach meet for historians that was much more local than most, which usually seem to be London or further North. On Twitter it was clear that a lot of time and effort had gone in to building up #TMSouthHistorians, so was looking forward to hearing some great ideas, and even doing a short presentation myself ( 5 a day revision linked here ). I took my trusty bullet journal with me to note down the fab teaching and learning practice, and thought I’d write up just a few of them here. I have tried to link as many Twitter handles as I can to the wonderful ideas. Quick wins The day kicked off with 1 minute quick wins, where 10 ideas were shared. I spoke about Historical Guess Who, which I will upload resources to in another post. Just a few of these ideas were: Using r...
Sharing teaching ideas, thoughts and ramblings.