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Showing posts from August, 2018

Germany exam question starters

The other day I posted on Twitter a Germany (Democracy to Dictatorship 1890-1945- AQA) set of exam question starters I was working on. Now I (think) I'm finished with them I thought I'd share them on here. The layout and wonderful idea came from @MrsJHistory who had made them for Elizabeth I. I loved the format and decided to make one for Germany.   The rationale is: To be a quick 'starter' activity- approximately 5 minute task The idea is to refresh their knowledge in a short space of time This should increase their confidence with a 'low-stakes' task, where most of what they need to answer the question is there for them (the key facts) Reinforces ' BUG' the question  with students Can be used the next lesson after content has been learnt, a starter whilst studying a different topic to aid recall from a while ago (I teach Germany at the start of year 10, so will use with my year 11s as we look at Power and the People in September), or even...

Five ideas to try in September

Having been on maternity leave for a year, I've amassed lots of great ideas I want to try out in my teaching from Twitter, Teach Meet South Historians as well as my own thoughts. However I thought I needed to narrow them down with the aim of successfully implementing a few as the new term begins. Here are five ideas I am going to try from September. 1. Extracts from historians At the @TMSouthHistory Teach Meet back in June, @AndrewSweet4 discussed the importance of using works by historians in lessons for all age groups. A point that stuck with me is how can we expect students to write and speak like historians if they are not familiar with historical writing. It is therefore really important that they read what experts have to say on the subject they are studying.  To achieve this in lessons, I've started to collate a PowerPoint that has quotes by well-known historians such as Dan Jones, Mary Beard and Suzannah Lipscomb which link to topics we study. This does mean that ...

100 Women Who Changed The World

September 2018's edition of BBC History Magazine presented the results of the '100 Women Who Changed The World' poll. Here's the link to the list of 100, along with expert opinions and public reactions: I am in the process of sorting out the displays for my classroom, to make it feel like mine again after returning from maternity leave, and thought this was a great thing to turn into a display for students to learn from, and also discuss the poll itself. Using @missgeog92  's idea of the 'Hello, my name is...' badges, I put together the display. Linked below are both the PowerPoint and PDF version of the display (The font in 'Submarine Beach'- you won't need to download if you use the PDF, but can download or change the font on the ppt). 100 Women PDF 100 Women PPT (Please excuse the rough edge on the board- need to order border roll on 1st September!)