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Germany exam question starters

The other day I posted on Twitter a Germany (Democracy to Dictatorship 1890-1945- AQA) set of exam question starters I was working on. Now I (think) I'm finished with them I thought I'd share them on here.

The layout and wonderful idea came from @MrsJHistory who had made them for Elizabeth I. I loved the format and decided to make one for Germany.
 The rationale is:
  • To be a quick 'starter' activity- approximately 5 minute task
  • The idea is to refresh their knowledge in a short space of time
  • This should increase their confidence with a 'low-stakes' task, where most of what they need to answer the question is there for them (the key facts)
  • Reinforces 'BUG' the question with students
  • Can be used the next lesson after content has been learnt, a starter whilst studying a different topic to aid recall from a while ago (I teach Germany at the start of year 10, so will use with my year 11s as we look at Power and the People in September), or even as a task at the end of the lesson to see their understanding of that days content.
  • The exam question starters could also be utilised as a springboard to then have a go at writing their response to the question, as either the next task in the lesson, or for homework- hopefully with more confidence than giving them the question 'cold'.

The intention is that they would be used in conjunction with a variety of techniques to improve exam question responses, and certainly they wouldn't be given so much information to help every time!

Hope they are of use- would be great to know if you use them in your lessons and how you find them. The format is easily adaptable for more Germany questions, or for other topics (as I did from Emma!)

Link to document here:
Germany exam starters PPT


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